62 new jobs on Indeed.com including Clerk $25hr and Substitute Teacher $43,000yr
5 new jobs on craigslist
17 new listings on HotPads including: $3,000 for 2BR on East Side
Google lists 20 restaurants with 4.5+ rating including: Claire’s at the Museum (American) and Michael's on Naples
47 planes arriving today: mostly Southwest with a few from American, Hawaiian, and Delta
Harbor Commission Meeting - Today 1:30 PM @ Civic Chambers
City Council Special Meeting - Tomorrow - January 10, 2023 - 03:00 PM
School resumes today
Early Learning & Kindergarten Festival - January 21 @ Dooley Elementary | 9am - noon
There are 31 events this week on the Library calendar, including: Toddler Storytime on Thursday at 10am @ El Dorado
There are many civil cases today and many criminal cases.